Rule Engeering
Many consulting firms emphasize quick system delivery-they deliver business rule systems that function, at the minimum cost to them. But those rules are not designed to change-they will require a substantial investment in maintenance and updates. The consulting firm benefits from upgrade work, but your business suffers from high maintenance costs and a slower speed to market. Change is certain. Build it in. Flexibility is a business advantage, especially in the financial, Insurance, and public sectors. These sectors encounter factors like federal and state mandates, and approval requirements for rate changes and credit score calculations. A well-designed business rule solution must be built upon unique core rules with an elegant structure of dependencies that anticipate change. These core rules adapt to keep the business running. without needing downtime to re-code and re-approve a tangle of overlapping redundancies. Manic Nomad designs with experience, and we can leverage trending rule technologies like Drools, OPA, WOOM/JRules.